Funding Your Projects

The California Conservation Corps administers several programs and grants to conserve, restore and enhance California’s natural resources. Projects can include watershed protection, wildland fire prevention and non-motorized transportation improvements.

Proposition 68: The CCC received an allocation of $40 million for natural resource conservation projects assisting with climate adaptation and resiliency, of which approximately half is dedicated for projects worked by certified local corps. Project sponsors, also referred to as applicants, can develop projects directly with the CCC, however funding amounts are limited.

Applicants can apply to other agencies for larger amounts of Prop 68 funds, and can receive preference by consulting with the CCC or certified local corps on the projects. Contact your nearest CCC center or for more information.

Proposition 1: The CCC is available to provide affordable labor for many Prop 1 projects focused on rivers, lakes, streams, coastal waters and watersheds. The application process for these types of projects requires project sponsors to consult with the California Conservation Corps or a local conservation corps to determine if there are portions of the project work that can be done by corps programs. The CCC can typically complete the consultation within ten days. Contact for more information.

Active Transportation Program: The CCC receives a $4 million annual allocation shared with certified local corps to fund projects encouraging increased use of active modes of transportation. Applicants can also seek larger ATP funds through other agencies. Successful ATP proposals require a consultation with the CCC and certified local corps. Partnering with the CCC or local corps improves the application’s overall score. Contact your nearest CCC center or for more information.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund – Forest Health: The CCC receives a $2.5 million annual allocation to complete forest health projects as part of the California Climate Investments initiative’s goal to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Contact your nearest CCC center or email for more information.

Tribal Youth Nature-Based Solutions Conservation Corps: The CCC received $10 million to fund corps programs operated by California Native American tribes – recognized or unrecognized. The Tribal Youth Nature-Based Solutions Corps Conservation Corps (Tribal Corps) provides educational and career pathways for native youth and young adults while preserving and protecting native land. This grant program falls under the umbrella of the California Natural Resources Agency’s initiative for Expanding Nature-Based Solutions as directed by Executive Order N-82-20 signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in October 2020.

For general information about the Tribal Corps program and/or technical assistance related to an application, please email

Local Conservation Corps Grant Funding and Certification: The CCC administers grant programs for certified local conservation corps. The CCC also determines local corps eligibility for CCC and CalRecycle grant funding.

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