CCC Manager Melinda Allen Gets Top Recognition From Secretary of California Natural Resources Agency, John Laird.

Look who gets the honors! It’s our own Melinda Allen, manager of Emergency Services and Special Projects, receiving well deserved recognition from California Natural Resources
Agency Secretary John Laird.
They are joined by California Conservation Corps Director, Bruce Saito and Chief Deputy Director, Amy Cameron.
The Secretary described Melinda as the “ultimate public servant, dedicated to advancing California in various capacities.”
Indeed, Melinda knows well the CCC motto of ‘Hard work, Low pay, Miserable conditions, and More!’ She started off 30 years ago as a Corpsmember. Melinda then worked her way up the ranks to her current role where Secretary Laird says Melinda’s work resulted in CCC crews being in high demand—even responding to national incidents—due to the solid reputation of the CCC that she has helped foster.
“Our Agency is fortunate to have you at the helm of the CCC’s Emergency Services Unit, where you lead with professionalism, willpower, and compassion,” Laird said.
Congratulations, Melinda Allen!