News and Updates

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the media and are requesting information or access to our centers or projects, please call (916) 341-3145. You can also email the CCC Communications office at

About the Office of Communications

The California Conservation Corps Office of Communications provides timely and relevant information that educates the public, potential recruits, media, lawmakers and CCC team members on our policies, projects, and successes. The Office of Communications coordinates media and public outreach; develops and disseminates public information via news releases, media advisories, and website and social media postings; arranges media interviews; and is responsible for the CCC brand and marketing.

Javaun Leslie's journey in the CCC is taking him places he could never imagined growing up in Riverside. He's worked his way up to crewleader, a position he takes seriously and that seems to run in the family.


Multiple CCC crews responded to fight flooding in several Northern California counties. Corpsmembers filled sandbags, laid plastic sheeting and built muscle walls to reduce the threat of flooding.


Los Padres Center Corpsmembers are helping one of San Luis Obispo County's smallest inhabitants. A pine thinning project near Montaña de Oro State Park benefits the Morro Shoulderband Snail, nearby camps, and trail users.


Los Angeles Center Corpsmember Christian Lomeli doesn't mind hard work. He says the challenges faced on the job keep him learning and improving every day.

Corpsmember working in kitchen

Dozens of Corpsmembers across the state are enrolled in the CCC Culinary Program at residential centers. Rayven Harris made the kitchen her home at Tahoe Center and plans to explore a career in the culinary arts.
