140+ Corps members assisting CALFIRE in Siskiyou County;
Five CCC Hand Crews, from Shasta, Placer and Butte working fire lines;

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Conservation Corps continues to assist partner agencies in combatting wildfires across California. More than 140 Corpsmembers are currently assigned to the Klamathon Fire in Siskiyou County in a variety of roles.
Five hand crews from the CCC are among the 88 fire crews working along the California-Oregon border. The hand crews are constructing fire lines in an effort to slow the grow of the fire. So far, the Klamathon Fire has burned more than 36,000 acres, destroyed 82 structures and is just 45-percent contained.
The Klamathon Fire broke out Friday afternoon near the town of Hornbrook. The quick moving fire forced the shutdown of Interstate-5 and more than 700 people to evacuate their homes. Many evacuation orders remain in place.
Over the weekend Corpmembers from Placer 1 and Placer 3 fire crews hiked two hours into the fire and then dug more than a quarter mile of fire line in an effort to contain the blaze.
“When your body says you’re all done for the day, you then realize that was really just a warm up,” said Jason Barrett, a Placer fire crew supervisor.
A half an hour south of the fire another five CCC crews are assisting with basecamp operations. Corpsmembers from Shasta, Chico, Siskiyou and Fortuna are helping direct traffic, distribute supplies and feed the fire fighters who are off-duty.
Corps crews continue to assist basecamp operations for fires burning in San Bernardino, Inyo and Yolo Counties too. CCC fire crews from Camarillo and San Diego also spent the last few days on the fire lines of several wildfires burning in San Diego County.