8-hour days: 0%
10-hour days: 98%
>10-hour days: 2%
In the field: 45%
In the office: 55%
CM Support: 25%
Education, Outreach and Event Planning: 20%
Volunteer Recruitment & Management: 10%
Commuting: 7%
Field Work: 10%
Social Media: 5%
Editing/Writing/ Data Tracking: 13%
Gear and Equipment Maintenance: 10%
At their root WSP Team Leaders (TLs) are peer leaders who assist WSP Corpsmembers (CMs) and staff in delivering one of AmeriCorp’s most renowned environmental programs! Each TL is assigned one of WSP’s two regions and they work to directly support 10-12 CMs. TLs who serve in San Luis Obispo (SLO) assist WSP’s Region II Program Coordinator with program communications, event development, grant writing, data management, evaluation analysis, and native plant propagation. If interested, Region II TLs may receive the same survey trainings as SLO SI CMs and will have the opportunity to get into the field with their district’s CMs when feasible. A major component of the TL position is to travel in a state vehicle and support their CMs’ Watershed Awareness Volunteer Events (WAVEs). TLs assist CMs in WAVE development by editing proposals and media submissions, track all required WAVE paperwork, and attend/ provide support at each WAVE within their district.
Region II TLs also oversee WSP’s social media and branding efforts and design various outreach materials (videos, posters, newsletters, etc.). TLs maintain regular communication with their region’s CMs by hosting Zoom check-ins. If interested, TLs can create and lead environmentally focuses lessons with 18–24-year-old traditional Corpsmembers at the Los Padres CCC Center and help WSP develop new WOW! curriculum. Additionally, TLs have opportunities to help build and maintain the native plant nursery. Region II TLs have ample opportunities to hone their professional writing, public speaking, and community engagement skill sets. Please see the full Team Leader Position Description on WSP’s website.
WSP Team Leaders will gain an increased level of independence as the term progresses and are encouraged to take initiative in projects that suit their interests and career goals. At the WSP SLO office, there is an expectation for clear and continued communication. Feedback on mentorship style and TLs’ experiences and progress is encouraged and TL- Mentor check-in meetings occur regularly (walking meetings are commonplace). Jody is available and accessible for TL support as needed and helps TLs toward reaching goals and outcomes they would like to achieve during their service term.
Each Team Leader will have their own office with windows, a standing desk, and two monitors. They will also have full access to all of WSP’s camping gear, site vehicles, and outreach materials. $500/month housing is possible when available; however, living at the Los Padres CCC Center (Location of the WSP Office) comes with many rules and demands.
Serving as a TL in the SLO office means being part of a dynamic team (in-person and virtual), managing multiple projects simultaneously, and traveling around the state. TLs have the option to serve a 5/8 or 4/10 schedule and some teleservice is allowable as needed. The WSP office is located on a California Conservation Corps campus, and TLs gain valuable support and leadership skills from this unique community. There are also numerous opportunities to network and meet environmental professionals and educators from around the state.
TLs are each given a $200 budget to attend a training of their choice and can also attend all WSP sponsored events (SRF or SERCAL Conference, CCC Trainings, Creek Days, field trainings at other WSP Placement Sites, etc.) SLO Team Leaders often learn by doing and have a significant say in how they would like to direct their term of service.
Team Leaders spend most of their time serving directly in the Region II WSP office and receive first-hand experience in state program management, and can get outside daily to propagate natives, maintain the garden, shadow other CMs to get footage for outreach. They are responsible for fostering a sense of community among CMs, assisting in the administration of WSP, and contributing to CM development. SLO County offers great surf, food, trails, weather, and volunteer opportunities.
Ability to travel overnight, serve on weekends, and work indoors often
Ability to work independently and take initiative to help build WSP’s capacity
Experience or strong interest in serving in a leadership role (no prior WSP experience necessary)