Creek Lands Conservation – CLC (35%)
California Conservation Corps – CCC (30%)
Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District – CSLRCD (20%)
Morro Bay National Estuary Program – MBNEP (15%)
8-hour days: 95%
10-hour days: 5%
In the field: 80%
In the office: 20%
Education & Outreach: 13%
Post-Restoration Monitoring/Maintenance: 8%
Water Conservation Projects: 8%
H2O Monitoring: 15%
Storm Water Mitigation: 5%
Spawner/Redd Surveys: 5%
Habitat Surveys: 2%
Snorkel Surveys: 5%
Fish Passage Assessments 4%
Invasive Plant Removal: 5%
Native Planting: 10%
Data Entry: 5%
Native Plant Propagation 3%
E-Fishing: 1%
Volunteer Management: 5%
Commuting To/From Field Sites: 3%
Watershed Group Meeting Support: 1%
GIS Support: 1%
SLO SI is focused on the recovery of South-Central California Steelhead in the coastal streams of San Luis Obispo (SLO) County. This unique partnership between three non-profits and one state agency was formed to promote a regional and multi-faceted effort for the recovery of steelhead trout. Each entity boasts enthusiastic, experienced staff whose passion is to protect and restore Central Coast watersheds and steelhead populations while mentoring the next generation.
While CMs serve with CSLRCD they will conduct native plant monitoring, invasive species management, flow monitoring including irrigation efficiency evaluations for reduced consumptive use of surface water, instream habitat monitoring, watershed group meeting support and GIS support. While serving with CLC, CMs will participate in fisheries surveys, assist with Trout in the Classroom and field trip releases, and conduct water quality monitoring. While serving with the MBNEP, CMs will conduct bioassessment surveys (spring), eelgrass monitoring (fall/spring), streamflow monitoring (spring/summer), and occasional vegetation monitoring. While with the CCC, CMs will conduct spawner surveys, habitat typing, native plant propagation and revegetation, and habitat assessments around road crossings.
Corpsmembers who are placed with SLO SI will split their time between each site based on project need and Mentor availability. All Mentors utilize a Google Calendar to schedule out projects at least one week in advance, so CMs know where to report each day. The CMs assist in updating their calendar to ensure they have the time they need to prepare for WSP required activities such as WOW! and WAVE. Each partnering organization of SLO SI provides insightful mentorship and unique opportunities. CMs will also have the opportunity to serve alongside traditional CCC Corpsmembers at the Los Padres CCC and will become part of their fisheries crew.
SLO SI is very proud of the fact that many past CMs have found employment in their chosen field, many locally. Another SLO SI attribute is two of our mentors have received the Restorationist of the Year award from the Salmonid Restoration Federation and two of the Mentors are WSP alumni! The SLO SI Placement Site has the ability to offer dorm style housing on the CCC Los Padres Residential Center. SLO SI is a very impassioned group of Mentors that continue to be excited about the collective mission of doing everything possible to restore the ecological function to local watersheds and recover local steelhead runs while developing future restorationists.
Interest in having a wide variety of day-to-day tasks (e.g., hiking or snorkeling up small creek systems, to office work and meetings)
Excited about SLO SI partners’ individual missions and the collaborative mission